Released on 16 May 2022
macOS 12.4 contains enhancements and a huge number, for Apple, of security updates and Apple recommend it for all users of devices that can be updated.

TL:DR— Install macOS 12.4 right away if you can. Important security fixes, enchancements and unspecified bug fixes.
Step by step instructions
- Click 'System Preferences'.
- Choose 'Software Update and Click 'Update Now'.
System Preferences screenshot showing an update available - Click to 'Agree' the software licence agreement and 'Update Now'
- Once completed and your Mac restarts check to see the update has been applied in 'Software Update'
System Preferences screenshot showing an update completed
If you pressed the 'More info...' link you could see that macOS Monterey 12.4 includes enhancements to Apple Podcasts and bug fixes:
- Apple Podcasts includes a new setting to limit episodes stored on your Mac and automatically delete older ones
- Communication safety setting for Messages gives parents the ability to enable warnings for children when they receive or attempt to send photos that contain nudity
- Safety warnings in Messages contain helpful resources for children when they receive photos that contain nudity
- Support for Studio Display Firmware Update 15.5, available as a separate update, refines camera tuning, including improved noise reduction, contrast and framing
Some features may not be available in all regions or on all Apple devices. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website: