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Evaluating secure file sharing against an information security policy framework

File Sharing securely with external users and with adequate governance is hard. You might think you can just easily mandate a file sharing Software as a Service (SaaS) platform as part of your productivity suite, (Google Workspace has Google Drive, Microsoft 365 has Microsoft OneDrive, Apple has iCloud or there's always a third party SaaS like the venerable DropBox), but hold on before you do so. In exchange for a simple user experience you give up control over your data hosting to the cloud service provider. That might be fine for your organisation, and it is for a lot of organisations, but for some data workloads with sensitive, private or privileged data it could well not be acceptable.

Five reasons why a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform might fail your organisations criteria for secure file sharing technology

There are probably more but here are five:

  1. Firstly, SaaS providers might be required to give access to their data to other agencies by regulation or for other reasons although like DropBox they may appear to be transparent about it.
  2. Secondly, they might index your content as Windows does if you let it by enabling "Cloud content search", leading to the potential for serving information in search results to users who should not be able to see it.
  3. Thirdly, your SaaS provider might harvest the data for use in training a large language model (LLM) for Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the resulting risk posited by Google that training data appears in output or could be subject to a training data extraction attack.
  4. Fourthly, they might change their terms and conditions or like Skiff be acquired and shut down.
  5. In extreme cases, (looking at you, Amazon Drive), they may just throw in the towel and cease operating the service altogether.

Evaluating secure file sharing against an information security policy framework

Recently, we conducted an evaluation of secure file sharing technology for suitability for sharing securely with users both internal and external to an organisation in a regulated market sector. This was an interesting exercise, which made us spend further time thinking about the issues around secure sharing of company information in the cloud, and the almost automatic use these days of the technologies tied to an organisations business cloud software provider. The criteria we set were informed by our own information security policy framework as we look to become ISO27001 certified.  

Information Security Criteria

Whatever system is chosen must preserve information security. It should ensure that access to the system is only given to the right people, to the right data, and at the right time.

  • Access Control – Measures to control who can access the data and what actions they can perform.
  • Authentication – Authentication, authorisation and revocation mechanisms strong enough to verify the identity of users accessing the service.
  • Auditing and Logging – Detailed logs of all activities and accesses to the data, allowing for accountability and traceability.
  • Incident Response – Procedures to respond and mitigate changes, continuity, disaster, security incidents or breaches.
  • Data Encryption – Encryption to protect data from unauthorized access.
  • Data Integrity – Maintenance and assurance of data over its entire life-cycle.
  • Data Deletion and Disposal – Supports procedures for securely deleting and disposing of data when it is no longer needed.
  • Data Governance – Policies and procedures for the proper management and use of data within the organization.
  • Data Classification – Data classification based on its sensitivity.
  • Network Security – Prevention of unauthorized access and protection against external threats.
  • Vendor Risk Management – Assessment and management of security risks associated with third-party vendors or partners involved in the data sharing process.
  • User Training and Awareness – Education available to users about security best practices to help prevent security incidents.
  • Secure Development Lifecycle – Security in the software development process must be respected.
  • Security Monitoring – Tools and processes for continuous monitoring of the service and its environment for potential security issues.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements – Ensure that the service complies with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Functionality and ease of use

Functionality and ease of use only matters if the information security criteria are met. 

  • Ease of use – There should be a fully featured web App, Windows, Mac desktop drive/volume level support is desirable, folder level support acceptable. iOS and Android Apps are highly desirable.
  • Functionality – Branded Portal, Let's Encrypt SSL support, Custom URL, Shared Files and Folders, (password protection, public, time timited), Unlimited storage. Comprehensive email notifications. 

No system guarantees everything in an information security policy

This exercise is not about criticising systems that cannot guarantee total  compliance with information security policies. None are perfect, It is more to show that if information security cannot be guaranteed then the risks should be quantified, written down, subject to regular review and accepted by the executive management of the business. 

TL:DR: Operating system vendor solutions and well known SaaS services cannot easily be made to satisfy all of these conditions. The only way to guarantee compliance with strict information security policies is to self host with a technology and platform that enables you to encrypt your data in transit and at rest. You have to have the keys to the kingdom!

 Detailed secure file sharing service evaluation against an information security policy framework

Features, functionality and ease of use are important, but information security is a pre-requisite.

Information Security

Information Security is about ensuring that the right people have the right access to the right data at the right time. This is achieved through:

  • Confidentiality – Access to information is only to those with appropriate authority
  • Integrity – Information that is complete and accurate, for the purpose needed
  • Availability – Making sure information is available when it is needed

This table compares the major file sharing platforms we are interested in, against our information security policy requirements. 

Access Control

Measures to control who can access the data and what actions they can perform. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Access control is granted on the principle of least privilege
Group or Role based access
Unique username or identifier
Identification and authentication
Internal account creation, modification and deletion is performed by authorised personnel and is fully documented

Table: Access control criteria for a secure file sharing service


Authentication, authorisation and revocation mechanisms strong enough to verify the identity of users accessing the service Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Passwords can be managed according to organisation policy
Multi factor authentication is available
Device authorisation can be revoked without disabling the user account

Table: Authentication criteria for a secure file sharing service

Auditing and Logging

Detailed logs of all activities and accesses to the data, allowing for accountability and traceability. These should be regularly reviewed. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Easy to review Access rights, inactive and dormant accounts.
Logs are kept of user activities, exceptions, faults.
Logs are kept of user activity by device/app.
Logs are kept of system events, updates, changes.
Logs  are kept of security events.
Logs are believed to be tamper proof.

Table: Auditing and Logging criteria for a secure file sharing service

Incident Response

Procedures to respond and mitigate changes, continuity, disaster, security incidents or breaches Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Changes to the system can be managed via a change management process.
Business continuity or Disaster recovery scenarios are supported by the technology.

Table: Incident Response criteria for a secure file sharing service

Data Encryption

Encryption to protect data from unauthorized access. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Stored information is believed to be encrypted at rest
Information is believed to be encrypted in Transit
System can be set up so that cannot be read by hosting providers, or regulatory authorities
Separation of Administrator accounts from user accounts

Table: Data encryption criteria for a secure file sharing service

Data Integrity

Maintenance and assurance of data over its entire life-cycle. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Data maintenance and assurance functionality.
 Malware and Anti Virus controls are configurable for the system.

Table: Data integrity criteria for a secure file sharing service

Data Deletion and Disposal

Supports procedures for securely deleting and disposing of data when it is no longer needed. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Information retention policies which take account of UK GDPR are supported

Table: Data governance criteria for a secure file sharing service

Data Governance

Policies and procedures for the proper management and use of data within the organisation. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Data residency can be guarnteed to satisfy region specific laws and regulations
Information can be classified accouring to our Information classification and handling Policy which takes account of UK GDPR
Secure, encrypted backups are supported by the technology and can be configured to take account of data retention requirements, business requirements, and legal and regulation legislation requirements including but not limited to the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
Information transfer policies must be respected. Notification email messages must contain clear instructions of the recipient’s responsibilities and instructions on what to do if they are not the correct recipient.

Table: Data governance criteria for a secure file sharing service

Data Classification

Data classification based on its sensitivity. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Information can be classified accouring to our Information classification and handling Policy which takes account of UK GDPR

Table: Data classification criteria for a secure file sharing service

Network Security

Prevention of unauthorized access and protection against external threats. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Physical access to servers/compute infrastructure compliant with our Physical security policy.
Equipment, cabling and network access should be compliant with our Physical security policy.

Table: Network Security criteria for a secure file sharing service

Vendor Risk Management

Assessment and management of security risks associated with third-party vendors or partners involved in the data sharing process Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Low risk of unauthorised use
Low risk of data leakage
Low risk of non-compliance with regulations
Low risk of cyber security threat

Table: Risk management criteria for a secure file sharing service

User Training and Awareness

Education available to users about security best practices to help prevent security incidents. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Information Security help and training guidance is available

Table: User Training and Awareness criteria for a secure file sharing service

Secure Development Lifecycle

Security in the software development process must be respected. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Segregation between development, test and production environments should have separate components, be on separate networks and have separate administration credentials.

Table: Secure development criteria for a secure file sharing service

Security Monitoring

Tools and processes for continuous monitoring of the service and its environment for potential security issues. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
Access to systems can be monitored for actions that could affect the confidentiality, integrity or availability of data
Network security features should be configurable, able to be monitored and documented.
Extensive logging is available in the system

 Table: Logging and monitoring criteria for a secure file sharing service

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

It should be possible to validate if a service partialy or completely complies with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. Cloud Service Suppliers hold relevant information security certifications for services provided. Self hosted solutions may rely upon cloud intrastucture as a service (IaaS) providers in part, but organisaitons will also need to add their own information security management systems, processes and certifications as required.

Ensure that the service complies with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Apple iCloud Drive Dropbox Tresorit FileCloud Nextcloud
ISO 27001 requirements for an information security management system (ISMS), best practices, and security controls.
SOC 2 report on controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy.
Data Protection Act 2018

Table: Certification criteria for a secure file sharing service


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