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VSCodium Icon from VSCodium GitHub licensed under MIT, Screenshot of Editor and App running on Android
VSCodium Icon from VSCodium GitHub licensed under MIT, Screenshot of Editor and App running on Android

Proprietary telemetry enabled license or Open Source?

I don't like proprietary licenses containing telemetary so I have always eschewed VSCode.

Turns out that the vscode source code is open source, but the product built and packaged for download by the vendor is licensed differently, and contains telemetry/tracking. You can, perfecly legitimately, clone and build the source, covered by the OSI approved MIT license.

Compliling the open source is a distraction for most people. Someone must have thought about that already — and they have!

Enter VSCodium — A community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of VSCode

There is an open alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace too - The Open VSX Registry - which offers a community driven, fully open platform for publishing VS Code extensions. The Registry is built on Eclipse Open VSX, which is an open source project hosted at the Eclipse Foundation which proclaims the benefits of being a trusted Vendor-neutral, open source operation with governance.


Some tracking will probably still be enabled, and each extention you install is another vector for additional tracking to be added to your envronment. There are notes in the project documentation that explain how you can search for these things and try to disable or remove them.

The VSCodium project replaces the vendors update services with their own, and Extension update requests are sent to the Open VSX registry rather than the vendors extension marketplace.

Proprietary tools and extensions

Some extensions, notably from the vendor, have license restrictions which prevent their use other than with the vendor product, but again these can be replaced with open source equivalents. Others will not work with VSCodium, but most will 'just work', including Flutter!

Flutter and VSCodium

Installing Flutter support in VSCodium

Follow the Set up an editor instructions for VS Code.

  • Start VSCodium.
  • Choose Command Palette from the View menu.
  • Type "install" and select Extentions: Install Extensions from the dropdown list box.
  • Type "flutter" in the extensions search field, select Flutter in the list and click Install —This also installs the required Dart language plugin.
  • Choose Command Palette again from the View menu.
  • Type "doctor" and select Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor from the dropdown list box.
  • Check Flutter in the output pane for issues and address them as required.
  • Restart VSCodium and check that a running simulator or a connected physical device is visible in the status bar.

Editing, running and debugging your code

The Flutter extention analyses code and enables syntax highlighting, code completion, navigating to type declarations and finding type usages. It has an easy to use Problems menu item from the view menu which presents a line by line analysis of problems found.

You can debug using Flutter DevTools as well as using the built in debugging in VSCodium. The screenshot shows a running app with visible baselines after the button in VSCodium was set to enable them.

Stateful Hot Reload is supported by VSCodium. See Using hot reload for details.

Screenshots of VSCodium building and running a Flutter App
VSCodium on macOS, connected to an Android device
Flutter project with tje Flutter DevTools open - screenshot
A Flutter project with the Flutter DevTools open
Flutter Android app with visible baselines - screenshot
Flutter based Android app with visible baseline

See also:

Flutter — Installation and setup

Flutter — DevTools

Licences, trademarks, source code licences and attributions

Licences, trademarks, source code licences and attributions

928uk® is a trademark of Multizone Limited, registered in the UK. Multizone and this site is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Joomla! Project™. Any products and services provided through this site are not supported or warrantied by The Joomla! Project or Open Source Matters, Inc. Use of the Joomla!® name, symbol, logo and related trademarks is permitted under a limited licence granted by Open Source Matters, Inc. AdMob™, AdSense™, AdWords™, Android™, Chrome OS™, Chromebook™, Chrome™, DART™, Flutter™, Firebase™, Firestore™, Fuchsia™, Gmail™, Google Maps™, Google Pixel™, Google Play™, Pixelbook Go™, and Pixel™ and other trademarks listed at the Google Brand Resource center are trademarks of Google LLC and this site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Google in any way. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. The OSI logo trademark is the trademark of Open Source Initiative. UNIX® and the X® logo are registered trademarks of The Open Group. Any other product or company names may be trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of these trademarks in articles here does not apply affiliation or endorsement by any of them.

Where the source code is published here on or on our GitHub by Angus Fox, Multizone Limited it is licenced according to the open source practice for the project concerned.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licence
Original source code for mobile apps are licenced using the same licence as the one used by "The Flutter Authors". This Licence, the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licence (bsd-3-clause) is a permissive licence with a clause that prohibits others from using the name of the project or its contributors to promote derived products without written consent.
GNU General Public Licence v2.0 or later
Original source code for Joomla! published here on by Angus Fox, Multizone Limited is licenced using the same licence as the one used by Joomla!. This Licence, the GNU General Public Licence Version 2 or later (gpl-2.0) is the most widely used free software licence and has a strong copyleft requirement. When distributing derived works, the source code of the work must be made available under the same licence.

You can use any code you find here, just respect the licences and dont use the name of this site or our company to promote derived products without written consent. I mean, why would you? You're not us!

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